How To Build A Drone At Home

    When attaching the flight controller, make sure to attach it with a sponge. Since the drone vibrates are lots when it is in the air, there is a risk of damaging the flight controller.

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    Drones are one of the technologies that everyone wants to have nowadays. Many people tend to buy an already build a drone because it is cost-effective. But have you ever thought of building a drone at home? Yes, drones can be built at home as well. Building a drone gives you many benefits. You can deal with each part of drones yourself. When you are building a drone, select each part of the drone and include and customize them to improve its flying. As a result, building a drone adds up more to the joy of flying around a drone.

    Things that you need to make a drone

    First of all, if you want to build a drone, you will need to get the building parts. In order to build a drone, you will want some of the basic tools:

    1. Motor

    2. Batteries

    3. Propeller

    4. Drone frame

    5. Gimbal

    6. Connector

    7. Camera

    8. RC receiver

    9. Mounting pad

    10. Micro SD card

    11. Flight controller

    12. Electronic speed controller

    At first, collect all the tools mentioned above. These tools can be found in many places. Look for them in robot making tools, computer components or DIY kits website.

    How to build a homemade drone?

    Once all the parts are collected, start making a drone at home.

    Make the frame

    At first, make the frame for the drone. The frame gives the drone it’s a structure. There are many types of drone. You can make any type of drone you like. Here we are making it into a quadcopter.

    To make a quadcopter, it needs to have an X shaped frame.

    The material taken for the quadcopter frame needs to be tough so that it can hold the drone well. Keeping that in mind, you can select wood, metal or plastic any material of your choice.

    If you are planning to make the frame with wood, then take 30 mm thick wood with a 60cm length. Cut it out to 60cm x 30mm. Now make a rectangular central piece. Attach the previously cut wood pieces to the rectangle, to hold the structure.

    The drone can be made into any shape and size, but the stated sizes make a good drone for beginners.

    Set the propeller

    Since we are discussing information about making a quadcopter, the propeller needs to be placed at each end of the X frame.

    According to the size and shape of the drone 9-inch affordable propeller makes is a good choice for the drone. However, look around to find a propeller of your choice. There is various propeller available in the market. Check out each of them and select the one that seems to be the best.

    Fix the motor with the frame

    Now, that you have built a sturdy frame for your drone, it’s time to attach the motors to the frame. For this, make holes on the frame. Then connect the motor with the holes. On the other hand, if you are using a drone making kit, you might find that the motors have mounted. The mounts which make it easier to connect it to the frame.

    A multi-rotor motor is an ideal motor for drones. It gives more flying force for the drone. Making it fly faster and smoother in the air. Along with that, it also makes the drone stable during a flight. It makes drone making more fun. The motors can replace with different models to check which one gives a better flight for drones.

    Connect the Electronic speed controller

    If the motors are in place, fix the electronic speed controller. It is wiser to place it at the bottom of the drone. As a result, the drone is more spacious to be attached to other tools.

    Place the landing gear

    The landing gear is very important for a drone. It helps the shock from landing to spread across the drone body. As a result, any damage is prevented from landing. When you are selecting the landing gear you need to be careful. Landing gear needs to absorb the shock from the ground. So, flexible material is needed for it to withstand the force. Plastic seems to be a good choice to make the landing gear. Other materials can be used as well depending on the density and flexibility.

    Making the landing gear

    A metal pipe or strong plastic can be used to make the landing gear.

    At first, take a pipe that is 6inch in diameter. Cut out four rings, that are 2 cm in thickness. Now use duct tape to attach these rings to the frame as landing gear. The size given above is not fixed any size can be applied for the drone. But it needs to suit with the other parts of the drone.

    Join the flight controller

    The flight controllers allow a drone to make shifts and changes with the wind flow. So, when the drone is in the air, it can maintain its balance and fly smoothly. Its function makes it very valuable for flying a drone. The flight controller can also be made at home. But it is simpler to buy a ready-made flight controller and attach it to a homemade drone.

    When attaching the flight controller, make sure to attach it with a sponge. Since the drone vibrates are lots when it is in the air, there is a risk of damaging the flight controller. The sponge absorbs all the shock from the device preventing the damage during flight.

    Remote controller for the drone

    After connecting the drone tools right, get a remote controller to fly the drone. There are a few companies who sell readymade RC system in the market. Get their configuration and pick a good one for your quadcopter.


    Connect the drone to the open pilot

    After your drone is ready, you will need to connect the drone to the remote controller and flight controller. The process might be difficult to understand in words. It is easier to find a tutorial video, that shows how you can connect the three, and get your drone ready for a flight.

    Let’s take it out for a flight

    If the flight controller, remote controller, and the drone are connected, its time to take it out for a flight. Test all the sensors of the device. Check if it is working properly before sending it to the air.

    Now if it is flying properly, you have successfully made a drone at home. In this way, you make many types of drones at home. Try changing parts to see how they improve the flight. If you continue this, soon you will become an expert at making homemade drones.

    Making drones is fun, especially if you like to customize things your way. Anything made at home becomes a form of art. It can be done with creativity putting some personal touch. So, the drone you make at home turns out to be unique and special than the rest of them out there.