Drone Delivers Marijuana Into Georgia Prison

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Drone Delivers Marijuana Into Georgia Prison

A Drone Tracker alarm helped guards discover that a drone was used to deliver marijuana into Autry State Prison located in Pelham, Ga.

According to a report on the website of the Georgia Department of Corrections, at 11:53 p.m. on Monday the alarm, a newly piloted system, sounded. While there was no sighting of a drone by staff, an inner and outer sweep of the facility was conducted and officers recovered two packages containing a large amount of marijuana left behind by the drone.

“As we continue to remain diligent at preventing contraband from entering our facilities, technological devices like the Drone Tracker assist us in our efforts,” said Commissioner Gregory C. Dozier in the report. “Even though contraband drops are becoming more and more creative, the dedication of our officers has remained steadfast in their fight to against contraband.”

An investigation has been launched into this incident by the agency’s Office of Professional Standards, which is standard procedure for all drone contraband seizures.