Intel’s Drone Helps Preserve 15th-Century German Cathedral

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Intel’s Drone Helps Preserve 15th-Century German Cathedral

A team of from experts from Bauhaus University Weimar, Foundation for the Preservation of Cultural Monument, Kulturstiftung Sachsen-Anhalt and Intel get together to inspect and do damage assement of the 15th century Halberstadt Cathedral in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

Intel is using the Intel Falcon 8+ commercial drone  for a series of indoor and outdoor missions on both automated and manual flight. The Intel Falcon 8+ helps capture data that will inform next steps for restoration planning.

“Advanced technology, like the Intel Falcon 8+ drone, provides enormous potential for structural monitoring,” said Norman Hallermann, Bauhaus University Weimar. “Working with Intel drone technology has allowed us to reach previously inaccessible spaces, like the cathedral’s bell towers. While we are just in the beginning stages of this three-year project, the costs saved by carrying out these inspections via a drone are already being put towards further conservation efforts.”

The Intel Falcon 8+ drone captured nearly 1,000 images in less than an hour to generate precise 3-D structural models for the team.

“In this case, the Intel Falcon 8+ drone is becoming an extension of the preservation team,” said Anil Nanduri, vice president and general manager within Intel’s New Technology Group. “Intel is excited about the future of inspections being automated and analyzed using drones. We are thrilled to be part of this project to restore this iconic piece of history and to be able to contribute with our technology.”

For more information on the Intel Falcon 8+ system, visit the Intel Falcon 8+ Systems page.

To learn more about the Halberstadt Cathedral, take a 360-degree tour here.