West Memphis FD Use Drone On HazMat Call
The general rule to a Hazmat First Responder is, If you cant cover the scene with your thumb, you’re too close. This is where a Drone comes in perfectly.
The WMFD was called out on a Hazmat situation at an abandon chemical plant on Wyanoke Road in southwest West Memphis. Firefighters took precautionary measures and evacuated businesses in the immediate area after a 12 hour wind forecast was given to us by the NWS in Memphis Tennessee for the exact area we were operating in at the Hazmat leak.
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WMFD made use of their DJI Phantom Drone and did a recon of the area to determine the extent of the situation. It was determined that no other area of West Memphis was in danger from the leak and a contractor with heavy equipment was brought in to remediate the situation. At all times during the situation, the WMFD, Crittenden County EMA, ADEM and the NWS Memphis was monitoring all aspects of the leak.